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Destiny について話し合おう
2/10/2016 3:16:45 PM

Is my RNG good? How about yours?

Idk if they increased the drop rate of the new ghost shells but I got a 317 crimson shell(i think thats the name of it) and a 316 sugary shell from end of match rewards yesterday. Also got both the shaders. Completed all bounties (except the weapon kills one) on two characters and got jack shit from the "unknown rewards" bounty. Is anyone else getting frequent ghost/shader drops or was I just lucky for once? Idk about everyone else but I enjoyed this Crimson doubles event (notice the past tense since i already completed everything in one day). I dont play ToO so it was nice to play something that was mildly competitive without having to worry about going flawless. Btw the new ghost shells are -blam!-ing dope IMO.



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