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Destiny について話し合おう
Faji Foxにより編集済み: 2/5/2016 9:08:34 PM

(OFFICIAL) YEAR 1 RAIDS FINDER (Hosting Y1 Raids Every Friday Between 10p-12a MST)

King's Fall is dead. Majority of players who have run the only Y2 raid and haven't hit 320 are already sick of the crap it brings. Players are too specific in what they look for in others, causing this Y2 raid to go downhill and making veteran PvE players like myself fall from the game. Well.... NO MORE! Each week, I will be hosting a LIVE STREAM of the old raids! Vault of Glass (Normal/Hard) and Crota's End (Normal/Hard)! I have invited players each week to play and have had hundreds of invites for the past month! So, I'm going to hopefully open up a new platform solely based on finding players to play Y1 raids. People are sick of the same content, and if Bungie isn't going to add anything else to this game (other than micro-transactions), then it's time to revive the old raids! Why am I doing this? First off, I moved on from my Xbox One to PS4 in Y2 and noticed that no one seems to enjoy playing Y1 content anymore. "You can't receive Y2 rewards," they say. That is true, but here's what will get you Y2 players into this.... Many of the Y1 weapons still can outperform Y2 weapons in the Crucible, since Crucible is the only thing keeping this game alive. You can also receive Y1 exotics that unlock the Y2 versions in the blueprints' kiosk at the Tower! Just last week, I received a No Land Beyond Y1 from playing Crota's End on Normal mode. How cool is that!? You can also get the materials to exchange for Glimmer or Motes of Light (or to upgrade the Y1 weapons). Also, you will be able to receive the raid specific Shaders, Sparrows, and even the Exotics like the Vex Mythoclast or Necrochasm! So are you all ready!? Bring your friends! Make new ones! Let's revive the old raids and complete your exotic collection! See you all Friday! Edit: If you are unable to find players or join in my games, make posts on and find your team there. Great way to find players!



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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