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1/31/2016 11:27:55 PM

Recruiting for my clan

Hello guardians! We are a small but growing clan call the flushing triad warriors. Great people,great gameplay, and we want you to join! It's open to all who want to bring they're great style to our clan. No restrictions besides RESPECT. We don't want anyone's time wasted, since we have so little, only 24 hours in a day. Wtf. Lol. So please, bring your friends and enemies, and be apart of this awesome game we know and love as DESTINY. We run all things destiny, even year one experiences for fun and laughs. Many crucible beasts, myself included, sometimes lol, and light house visits for people who want that trip. Also, you may have a chance to win a boat! Or car! Or plane! Maybe, if you supply the boat, car and plane. Join us to find out. Shameless plug for our clan every invite, guaranteed!!!! Welcome and as we wait for content, lets entertain ourselves with antics and clan growth. See you starside guardians! Palerider766
#Recruitment #ftw



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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