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1/23/2016 4:24:41 AM

Looking for... Help?

Hi, I am a 297 Hunter [u]looking for clan-mates[/u] to do the raid with! I'm at the Oryx CP for the [i]first time[/i] and [b]I am about 9 hours in.... [/b] Unfortunately, every time I have posted on this forum, I get a lot of people who flake out after maybe half an hour of trying to take down Oryx. [i]-I just want to destroy him before Tuesday.....[/i] Basically, I'll be online 6 days out of the week between 2pm and 8pm-ish PST ([u]Saturday, 11am-4pm[/u]). I'm hoping I'll find some high level guardians to help me through this final part of the raid! Or, if we can assemble a dedicated clan to help each other grind it out, that'd be even better! ^_^ I'm looking to build a loyal clan. If you want a loyal group that's got you're back, [u][i]join [b]Galaxy Ninjas[/b]! [/i][/u]



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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