Hello, i'm new to destiny. Right now, i'm just feeling out that game, working on some quests, and trying to figure my way through. xD
I was wondering if anybody could recommend any clans to join, or if there is any tips that you could give to a new warlock.
I guess, that's all for now!
Hi, Welcome to the game and I've found this article that may be of help towards warlocks and what to use. http://www.primagames.com/games/destiny/feature/destiny-warlock-class-guide-how-create-best-voidwalker-sunsinger I'm only 3 weeks in myself but I'll try my best to answer any questions you may have about anything and everything.
For clans I'd recommend the100.io (I think the website address is). You get put into a group of 100 other players and you can make some choices to match up with people that are playing the same way you are. You get matched and then you add people and voila, instant friendslist of active destiny players. Didn't work out for me cause everyone I was matched with were 10 time zones away haha. Couldn't be bothered to join a new group. Good luck!
Welcome to Destiny As a warlock I'd probably focus on the sunsinger sub class mainly for res, it's really useful in a tight spot, try all the gun types and see what suits and your comfortable using. As for clans don't be in a rush to join one post on lfg or these forums to run content and meet people eventually you'll find a group you click with, that's what happened to me and I ran clan free for about 80% of year 1. What system are you using?