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Destiny について話し合おう
12/21/2015 9:50:53 PM

THE EVIL TRUTH OR THE TRAVELLER |Traveler theory 2015 #1

Im a video game theorist. And, as the name suggests, I make theories on Video Games. This time, I've cracked it. I've got you, Bungie! When you first play Destiny, you are introduced to the Traveler. The Traveler is described as: "a mysterious spherical entity that hovers over Earth. It's origins are unknown". -IGN. To many players, it is most likely just a big circle thing, simple and plain. Infact, the cut scene in which you meet the Traveler, is just simple and plain. It does, however, feature Mars and Earth. I must admit, I am a little stumped there, but it still misses the Moon and Venus. Which is once again, universally impossible. But it's still simple! BUT WAIT!! Maybe thats the point. The Traveler has no planets in its background when he moves to The Cosmodrone. Nothing to be seen. But the way the map is layed out, it is universally impossible to get to Earth without meeting any planets. And before you talk about having to discover to planets, have you ever been to Venus IRL? Does it still exist? Exactly. The Traveler constructed The Tower to hide from the darkness. It is possible he/she also made the other planets, the only thing to condrodict my point here is the fact that this game is futuristic, the planets should already be there. Right?? Well, whats to say that the planets weren't obliviated by the travellers presents. And don't forget that it can exist outside of a timezone and leave without a bootstrap paradox (an object can exist without the requirment of being created in a time stream). My point is that the traveler is not what it seems. I still have some investigating to do, and I bet there is an easter egg in the game code, just like Just Cause 1+2+3. In my next post I will investigate furthur. I have yet to conclude. But just remember, this is just a theory, and the point of a theory is to be porven right or wrong. Thanks for reading and remember that I have not concluded.



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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