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Destiny について話し合おう
Silencer Tinmanにより編集済み: 12/17/2015 3:40:11 PM

Stand on the walls of the last city with me

To some the arrival of The Taken King heralded the end of days. It is believed our Destiny is the ruin of a malformed past and an uncertain present. The light has lost its great armaments and some fear the Vanguard will not last the decade. So I speak to you my fellow Guardians. A growing Darkness has claimed countless guardians, their light shall never shine again. Some walked many lightless paths in a quest for change and there they lost themselves, becoming a blight like Dredgen Yor. Others have forsaken the tower and entered exile as Osiris did. I ask you my veterans hold the walls of the last city. The Endless Dark is coming, so sing of the day the ghosts woke us from our slumber. Recant when we smashed the Aegis upon the stones of the Vault and stood before the conflux of time. Boast of your glories in the crucible. Do not let the people go undefended and uninspired. I Doom you thusly host of the Old Guard. Aid the ghosts search for those worthy of the light. Teach the neophyte guardians the true meaning of war. Welcome the exiles with open arms and stand against the blighted guardians at the gates. I am a Titan, I stand on the walls in defense of the last city. The Endwar comes. Stand beside me my brother, my sister, till the coming of the Endless Dark. Together we may turn it back and forge our Destiny anew.



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