Then you're a child with unleveled classes and sub classes, so basically your opinions don't matter.
Yep that's the only possible explanation. No others could conceivably exist. Opinions based on Bungie's business practices or the internal integrity of a game's leveling system are concepts both foreign and irrelevant to people who oppose these micro-transactions. I've been saying it all along: Destiny just isn't enough like Candy Crush. The real question is: when can I start harassing my friends on Facebook via an in game feature?
You're only adding to the problem by giving companies, not just Bungie, the go ahead to add micro-transactions into games we already paid for. Micro-transactions were never meant for these games, but for free mobile games, as a means for the developer to profit off of a free product. It's a horrible business practice nonetheless, as most of these games make it almost necessary to pay if you want to progress. Sure Bungie hasn't brought it to that point yet, but this is just the beginning, as it's part of the Slippery Slope that people have predicted. So no, it's not childish, it's people wanting to save gaming before we have another gaming crash.
I don't like micro transactions. My characters are better than yours if I unequip my race gear
Your not thinking long turn. Bungie is easing into these kind of micro transaction so they can eventually change up the games grind to the point where paying for exp boosts is necessary. Then they will eventually make it so you can pay for materials/parts, weapons, armor, etc. so when you, and people like you are ok with this because they think that "it won't effect them", that's only because you don't see the big picture.
It's about the idea. Bungie is offering 30 bucks for people to reach something they can easily in a few days time. It's a cash grab, and I won't support it.
GreenD614により編集済み: 12/16/2015 9:47:36 PMI have all three classes at 310+ and even I know this is a dumb idea. Remember when Bungie said only cosmetics would be sold? They lied, again,...
Because 2 months ago, micro-transactions were promised to be "cosmetic-only." Now, 2 months later, they've become "pay to advance." Where might we be in another 2 months? Engrams on the Eververse? Sound silly? Engrams are just a grind, just like levelling. This would help to skip that. So it's okay, right?
My problem is that Bungie knows it's a potential issue for new players and instead of a patch that improves the quality of life for everyone they have opted to sell a solution to a problem they created. There will be people moving to the new generation (360 to PS4) as well who will be tempted to buy their way ahead.
Did you really just post that people's opinions don't matter? I bet you're voting for trump aren't ya?
Next month: $40 for max grimoire score and complete grimmoire Month after: $40 for completed blue prints. Next Month: $40 for all the emblems Next month: $40 for all the shaders Next Month: $40 for all the ships Next Month: $40 for all the sparrows On and on until you can literately pay to just sit there and marvel at what you didn't play. Just remember folks, anything that "isn't required to beat end game content" if free game from here on out.
Angelus-B-により編集済み: 12/16/2015 9:17:33 PMDark below dlc = £20 or $20 House of wolves dlc = £20 or $20 Consumable pack to get 1 character upto lvl 25 = £25 or $45 So you're saying that getting 1 character straight upto lvl 25 is worth more than an entire dlc?