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10/30/2015 8:19:51 PM

[Machinima] DMV Hell: Destiny Music Video Hell (official thread)

Hi everyone! Some friends and I created a machinima movie called DMV Hell (Destiny Music Video Hell). If you've ever seen a Halo machinima by the name HMV Hell, there's a good chance it was mine or a fan-created version based on the original one we made back in 2008. I'd love for you to watch our movie and tell us what you think. It doesn't seem like there is a lot of Destiny machinima out there, so hopefully you enjoy it! See it here: We wanted to give machinima a go in Destiny, being long-term fans of Bungie. It was no easy task, filming was very difficult with the lack of filming tools. We had to come up with clever tricks along the way, and I'd be happy to share them with anyone who's interested. Everything in the movie was filmed and edited within the last 20 or so days. Audio issues: If you have issues hearing audio or seeing the video, it's likely due to copyright issues in your country. I plan on uploading the video to Vimeo soon for those of you affected by this. Enjoy!



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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