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Destiny について話し合おう
XmarksdaspotXにより編集済み: 11/5/2015 5:18:28 AM

Destiny + Taken King

## NOTE: I live in Australia ## So after lots of reading I'm still totally confused :/ I bought Destiny V1 when it first came out a year ago. I've then since bought the two expansion packs separately. How do I now get the Taken King without having to pay for the full version?!?!? I can find the digital download only for the USA and Xbox One. Where can I get if for Xbox 360? It says that I can... "Digital Download For Guardians That Own Destiny and Both Expansions - Guardians that own Destiny and both expansions - The Dark Below and House of Wolves- will have special access to purchase a digital copy of Destiny: The Taken King, the next evolution in the Destiny universe." Link takes me to Xbox One purchase... WTF Bungie?!?!?!? If I've bought the expansion packs for nothing (i.e. have to pay for them again with a full version of Taken King) I will be pi$$$$$ed!!!!!



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