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Immørtal Fulgrimにより編集済み: 10/22/2015 8:15:16 AM
[b][i] You enter the bunker silently through a side door by picking the lock, it's 2am. You find yourself in a dimly lit locker room, a security camera is focused on the area just in front of you that separates you from the outer hall. Your thermal vision reveals 5 guards patrolling the outer hall, each has a flashlight and an assault rifle. They are well trained men. Trigger an alarm and the mission is a failure. [u]Objective:[/u] Install a phone tap in the office at the end of the outer hall. Complete the stealth mission in the comments below. [/i][/b] [b][i]Next Challenge:[/i][/b] [spoiler][/spoiler]
#rob #ranks



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