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RedPanderpにより編集済み: 10/16/2015 3:24:51 AM

Fabian Strategy, Empyrean Bellicose, and Alchemist's Raiment bugs

[b][armory]Fabian Strategy[/armory][/b] The Front Lines perk simply doesn't work, or is so minuscule in effect that it is unnoticeable. When in close range of multiple enemies there is no discernible change in handling, stability, or fire rate. [b][armory]Empyrean Bellicose[/armory][/b] and [b][armory]Alchemist's Raiment[/armory][/b] While the exotic perks Antigrav Thrusters and Iron to Gold are correctly reducing the cooldowns of melee abilities and both melee abilities and grenades respectively when super is charged; they're consuming orbs of light when it's not necessary. Both Empyrean Bellicose and Alchemist's Raiment will consume orbs of light when super and both abilities are charged, with nothing gained from the consumed orbs of light.



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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