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Destiny について話し合おう
Mugiwaraboshiにより編集済み: 10/14/2015 5:52:17 AM

Dont want to nerf hammer? Buff other classes

Instead of all the titans clinging onto that crutch of a super HoS. Just buff everyone elses super. Voidwalker, to make it be able to compete at sunbreaker level let nova bomb have like a quiver type of deal where they can throw three of them over time. Or just throw as many as they want till timer runs out, because you know, thats not OP at all and because all of year one voidwalker was just pretty much a throwable titan smash so warlocks mustve been shafted year one just like titans were em i rite? Now GG, oh my RNGeezus i know aim assisst is really high but just take away every ounce of aim assisst and put that hand cannon on a timer just like HoS. Because being able to shoot 6 or 7 shots before timer runs out is completely balanced! And if you are gonna argue with that curve BS with the hammer, take away the flaming last word and give GG a god damn Golden NOOB TUBE so they not only curve like hammers, but they can blow shit up just like the hammers because apparently thats balanced! There are just two of my balancing ideas! Let me know what you think fellow guardians!!!!



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