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Destiny について話し合おう
Seraph Kupoにより編集済み: 10/6/2015 1:16:49 PM

Please fix (before Microtransactions) cross platform promotional items... It looks so money grabbing

[i]What's with people who don't put any thought into anything and go around like cattle? "Oh they own it/need to make money/blah blah blah." Who gives a damn? If you're not here to discuss then please don't post, especially if you weren't here before Destiny came out[/i] It's a big pity that not many people will know to show support for this huge issue that's swept under the rug. If you have something purchased for any gen that's promotional such as a blacksmith shader from advanced warfare preorder. It does [b]NOT[/b]carry over over same family cross platform. For example I have blacksmith on 360 but on Xb1 it tells me to unlock it. On original destiny launch it actually showed the colours if you had it put on beforehand, then a patch shortly after made colours revert to default. Another one I have now is that I preordered a physical TTK collector's edition on Xb1, Ebgames forgot to give me the suros preorder code, however as my friends are mainly on 360 I had bought the digital copy there until we migrate to XB1 ans that came with the Suros preorder. My XB1 version is telling me to piss off and buy the suros preorder pack to use the shader/emblem I already own. I can speak to ebgames and try get the code however this is just a bummer. TTK collectors content on XB1 also reverts on 360 to default colours etc I wish this could be explained as to why content is seperated like this. The only conclusion that could remotely happen is if someone shared the download file for promotional content online and someone tried to download it like flaming helm in Halo. People have already purchased the content and own it. Bungie is not Microsoft and could have simply put these things as website unlockables also. Why do we have to try find another code/purchase again when we already own the content for playing the same game. Purchasing the game on seperate platforms is understandable however these things are a major put off in destiny and shouldn't be acceptable in the gaming industry without a proper explanation. I wish someone could help and get our issue looked at, we're fans and simply want to play the game and use the content we already own. What are we going to do? Buy the bloody pack already on our account again?



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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