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Destiny について話し合おう
Andyにより編集済み: 9/27/2015 4:17:33 PM

LFG Raid posts have reached a new LOW

So as a person new to the raid ive been looking to find a raid group and I came across a disturbing trend. People with no experience are DEMANDING only to raid with groups that have experience. it goes a little something like this [quote]new to raid have 2 people a titan and a hunter. need 4 people with raid experience and have beaten oryx only. message me. [/quote] Seriously? so now people without experience are demanding experienced raiders? no wonder no one will take new people in. if you don't have experience you shouldn't demand that you have a group that has beaten oryx. you are at the bottom of the barrel. take what you can get.



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  • I have the same problem. Me and three friends had an oryx checkpoint, but we didn't know how to run oryx. Before we went on LFG, we decided to try and figure out what to do. We started it, and figured out what would happen up until the knight spawning. We got two people on LFG, and one of them explained up until the oryx damage part. I switched to nighthawk and ran relic. We were fine up to the oryx damage, where the LFG people didn't do damage to oryx. When we wiped BECAUSE OF THEM, they left. It was the first attempt. For the next 45 minutes, the process continued, where randoms would join, we would go through one attempt and they wouldn't damage oryx, then they would leave. I'm sorry, but are you looking to be carried or something?!?!? Because nobody would stay after one attempt, when THEY were the ones not doing the right thing. If you're not experienced, you can't expect to just get an experienced team and have them carry you. I'm fine with inexperienced people, but when they aren't willing to deal with others in the same boat as them, I can't stand it. TL;DR: Inexperienced people shouldn't expect to find experienced people who will carry them, and should be willing to deal with other inexperienced people.



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    1 返信
    • Atleast he doesnt lie. Ive joined groups demanding experienced only, saying they have full clears etc etc only to find out they dont even know how to clear golgoroth. People want a carry, they dont want to learn fresh.



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    • What I will say, after attempting my first raid tonight, is that I now completely understand the elitism. I've been completely against it until tonight. I managed to get to golgoroth, took me a few attempts on warpriest to get in synch with the group I was with, passed it anyway and got to the second boss. By this point half of the team I was with had left for whatever reason, and i was left with a few kids. They kept inviting their little friends, people kept dropping out, eventually we got 6. I'm 27, I don't play with kids as I find it uncomfortable, more of a conversation thing. Anyway, these little -blam!-ers started acting all high and mighty, so I asked them what i should do for the fight. One kid proceeded to explain with the following; "I know a glitch but I'm not going to do it, you guys don't deserve to know, but basically power, shoot that orb thing there, jump down and blah blah blah, then repeat" His actual words were blah blah, I admit I laughed a little but felt hesitant at this point and took to google for a quick read of the guide. By this point they're all talking to each other about shit that has nothing to do with anything, one guys talking Spanish to a family member and briefly switching to English to talk about nothing. We try golgoroth like 3 times and wipe every time, doing what I should be which is adds and bubble or whatever, out of the blue one guy leaves, the other 4 decide to go play crucible.... Now I set up the game and the party, I sent the invites and made the posts, and these little -blam!-ers decide to leave without really trying, so I think bugger that and kick them as they were leaving anyway. I get another 5 guys into the raid, all of which "know what they are doing and are happy to help" long story short, and many many wipes later they start raging. Shouting at each other and swearing, I'm doing exactly what I was told to do, not dying. Each time the restart screen came up I was top for damage to golgoroth and adds killed. They just wouldn't listen to each other at all. And constantly -blam!-ed up. I wouldn't mind, I expected problems as it was my first raid. But from what I gathered I play better than these organised groups and elitist'... From now on, I'll only invite people that actually know what they are doing, I learn by doing usually, but a 5 minute read was all I needed to know what to do. The elitists are full of it, and the guys making logical posts for experience only are totally understandable. I'll attempt again tomorrow and make sure I make it clear for experience only. I was supposed to be the noob.



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      17 通の返信
      • CallMeCrimsonにより編集済み: 9/28/2015 10:24:12 AM
        [b][u]LFG[/u][/b] [u]The know it all[/u] Comes in all shapes and forms, explains the raid in 100% detail even if your in a lobby with people who have completed it 3+ times [u]The rager[/u] They cannot accept failure, more than 2 wipes and either someone is getting kicked. [u]The, I cannot mute my mic kid[/u] SHUT UP MOM I CANT RIGHT NOW DAD STOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP [u]The silent guy[/u] Never speaks... ever... even if they don't have any fcking clue what they're doing [u]The funny one[/u] Always has their fair share of jokes to bring the team together, I like this guy. [u]The Average one[/u] They can do anything they're told to, usually lack initiative but can pull off the task given to them [u]The squeaker[/u] I usually feel sorry for these ones, they vary in skill but usually are stressful to hear on mic [u]The AFK one[/u] BRB one sec gotta walk my dog BRB 5 MINS sry gotta take a call BRB I don't know when ill be back but please wait (insert 30mins here) *just leaves without telling anyone* [u]The Cocky One[/u] I could OUT DPS you on golgorth but i'm not trying right now I could out I could [b]could[/b] tell me if I missed any Edit : [u]The competent one[/u] Knows exactly what they are doing and causes no problems anywhere. Rare, but they do exist. Credit Saxthulu [u]The protégé;[/u] the one that knows nothing, but learns in a few quick sentences and constantly performs at levels the entire team looks up to without being arrogant, but instead very humble. Credit moonshinetemp098 [u]The supporter[/u]; the one that tries to keep everyone from tilting by being incredibly reassuring. Credit moonshinetemp098



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        118 通の返信
        • The other night I saw an Oryx post lf1m 295+ must have experience. Thought - sure why not. Was literally black twitter incarnate. N word this. N word that. (I'm pretty much the whitest person ever - so it's awkward for me) Blah blah blah. Just kicked a guy because he was low 290's. Ok whatever. I'll just stay quite and do my thing. My sweet touch of malice was ready to stagger Oryx for the first time. No one had any clue. Bro how do you pick up the relic? What ogres? Huh? ..... I don't mind helping people learn - but Jesus. I'm not one to just leave after a few attempts - but after about 4 wipes without even picking up the relic I was out of there (the runner got up there he just "didn't know how to pick it up"). You can't be arrogant assholes and be THAT bad at the game. If you were nice guys I would totally help you out. But I don't need you screaming into the mic about "smashing Jaime" when you can't even realize that big yellow guy in the corner needs killed.



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          1 返信
          • My favorite posts are [quote]294 warlock with lots of experience and good weapons[/quote] invite "Hey man, have you beaten Oryx yet." "I know the fight and the strategy"



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            1 返信
            • Took me 2 hours to actually find a group yesterday. Finally found some people turns out it was all our first time and I was the only one to have at least watched strat videos so I was sorta walking people through. Didn't make it all the way but it was fun.



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            • Same thing with trials. There are alot of a holes out there.



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            • Make a post asking for only new raiders.



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            • I saw a post that said [quote]Looking for a group of inexperienced scrubs because nobody wants to give this more than a few -blam!-ing tries[/quote] it made me chuckle. I can understand people not wanting to waste time with idiots but yeah some of the requirements are ridiculous



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            • Here's a solution to all the bitching about people being rightfully exclusive: Invite people to your own fireteam



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            • Lfg ? Wow you kids still haven't made friends yet ? Seriously the game had been out a year and if you can't find friends to raid with I would leave now Lfg is for the sheep



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              1 返信
              • I think you some of you would flip your shit if you ever played WoW if this bothers you. *I don't remember specifics since I quit years ago* "LFM for Uld - Link Achievement & have 500gearscore" 1. Uld only requires 200 gearscore 2. The dude trying to create the raid has 150 gearscore, so is blatantly looking to be carried (it's his raid though, so more power to him if he gets suckers to do so) 3. He's requiring the achievement that he's beat it, when he has yet to step foot in there. *again, my gearscore numbers are examples. I don't remember what it was back then*



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                6 通の返信
                • I think if you have beaten the raid the requirements Legendary sniper Beaten raid 295+ light Are completely reasonable



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                • I don't mind these, reason why is because it makes it easier for me to know who not to join up with. keep the demands coming.



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                  1 返信
                  • not surprising. the new raid is hard and people are generally lazy. Why learn it when you can be carried through it.



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                  • Lfg of females only.. Must have netflix and chill



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                  • SaltySiにより編集済み: 9/28/2015 6:35:54 PM
                    Agreed these requirements are silly. However, the flipside is this. Yesterday me an my crew needed two people. We lfg'd got two sub 290 dudes, no problem. We walked them through the entire raid, got up to the sisters and then one of us had to leave so we went to orbit. The two gamers who were firends just left, no thank you, no recognition of the fact that we were patient with them and we wasted at least an hour and a half becuase of their inability to do things properly, they even had issues with the concept of clockwise versus counter clockwise.... I don't mind bringing new people through raids, in fact I like being able to give back what was given to me on crota and VOG, however when I do I appreciate a thank you or some acknowledgement of thanks for the knowledge and time I am giving you... I have not yet completed oryx because I have been running with inexperienced folks in my groups and a bunch of my cln mates have been playing at different hours than me... Again no problem, I just wish that when people who are under level and inexperienced did get in with a group patient enough to run them through, that they showed some gratitude....



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                    7 通の返信
                    • Yup been like this since Vog nothing new here I would see people in Lfg still Looking after I completed the raid and working on my 2nd character



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                    • I ignore those people that ask for 297+ and they themselves are like 294. I ain't carrying anyone. However if there's s person that needs like 1 or 2 and they don't have crazy requirements and are low level I don't mind helping.



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                    • Will be running the raid later today, anyone that wants in needs to: Be level 40 Be 300+ Warlock or Titan. One Hunter with nighthawk permitted Know what you're doing Have maxed gjally Have good MG Have Osiris emblem Have Maxed Touch of Malice Have 1.5+ K/D Have moments of triumph emblem Have solo'd Crota with one hand tied (blindfold optional, will prefer if picking between ppl) Have max grimoire score and have memorized all cards (will test on this) Have flawless raider Have all exotics Be able to do funny accents Must have mic Must not be squeaker



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                      9 通の返信
                      • LOOKING FOR A TEAM OF 5 ... MUST HAVE ,... PIZZA.



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                        2 通の返信
                        • Proto6unnerにより編集済み: 9/29/2015 8:11:43 AM
                          For some people it's really hard to find access to a team. So they are asking for help, I don't think this is a bad thing, as long as they don't want to be sherpa'd and are eager to learn. Then again it's so new, and reading the forums it seems already 50% did this raid while about 90% never set foot into it, including me. Why rush? Luckily, I have a bunch of friends and we will start next Friday, I am pumped :-)



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                        • Every god damn person who states something like: Please know what you are doing, 295+ light or we will kick you, be experienced at Oryx bla bla bla bla is 95% of the time a scrub that wants to be carried!



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                        • The problem with me is I know how to do everything up to golgoroth. But lack a competent fireteam. I was doing Golgoroth today and I was the ONLY person on the DPs team doing damage. The other 3 were either A) not standing in their bubbles Or B) trying to shoot their own bubbles instead. The gaze runners didn't give warning on when they were taking the gaze so the DPS team (mostly me -_- ) didn't get the puddle till AFTER they had started switching and so we were being b*tched at for not hurting him. Yes I salty but it annoys me that people, despite saying "I have experience" can't actually communicate and work together like that should -_-



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                        • I'd say I'm a competent LFG player. I never make excuses. I messed up? It was my fault, not anyone else's. I never go in with an LFG team without knowing exactly what I need to do, but I won't boss the others around. I'll stay until it gets finished or life gets in the way. And I certainly won't kick after wipes, two or two hundred. But I will kick anyone who is rude/prude/blames everyone else.



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