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Destiny について話し合おう
RampagingKumquatにより編集済み: 9/20/2015 7:15:17 PM

Echo Chamber strike

Why does everyone rush to get the relic at the boss? Wait for the ads to spawn, kill the ads then get the relic. If you put the relic in as the ads spawn then you completely miss out on getting anh DPS on the boss. Its really not a complex thing but everyone I get matched with constantly rushes to get the relic in and then we dont even get a chance to hit the boss since we are being sniped by hobs and blasted by minotaurs. Just a little irritating that seemingly no one can figure out that they shouldnt just slap in the relic as soon as possible. I get that people want to go quickly but come on use your head people, its not always a race to the finish sometimes slow and steady really does win the race. Well thats the end of my little rant, I just had to put this out there.



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