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solidwakeにより編集済み: 9/14/2015 9:11:56 PM

Making year one gear Worthless?

This title is what people seem to complain about a lot and still ranting about. I get it, your upset that your gear will stay year one in power and defence. I understand that you have the right to complain. That doesn't make it any less non-sense. You don't have to destroy your stuff because its not strong enough for the taken king. You don't have to grind for the best gear for all of the game. Your not locked out of the game because the expansion came out. Everyone can play the game they bought from vanilla beginning to end. Your gear will be strong enough to help you through it all. If you bought the expansions you had trouble trying to level up your gear to meet the new challenges. The Dark Below would be a good example. Even now you have to earn an etheric light to upgrade to cap House of Wolves damage/armor. That can be difficult to do or earn just to keep your gear relevant, but you did it. With The Taken King they are asking you to Continue to use your current armor/weapons for all year one stuff. Even in PvP all of it will still look cool and function correctly. Yes there was a patch for weapons but it happens. For me keeping more then one piece of armor is not uncommon. I have multiple pieces of armor that provide different buffs and weapons I switch out on the fly depending on the fight/space. Anyone without The Taken King will only miss out on Saturn and loot from the Dlc portion. Nothing else will be lost, its the same thing players went through with the first two dlcs. I know that its not fair. its nothing new and if you know what WoW is then you would understand. Play the game for what it is and if you want more content then you pay for it. That simple... No im not happy having to pay for constant content to keep the game fresh but that's there model.... Hope to see everyone still enjoying the game tomorrow with or without The Taken King. Thx (Lets go Strike Playlists) Signed The Awesome Red Headed Titan



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