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Destiny について話し合おう
Weenie the Huttにより編集済み: 9/13/2015 4:48:36 AM

Buy me TTK, and here's why....

So I'm basically a time traveler from the future, I was just minding my own business traveling through time like I normally do. Anyways so I happen to stumble upon the future where I was totally a real guardian, and I was like one FRIKIN inch away from annihilating Oryx (because he's real, and so is the darkness, and so is this story). And for some stupid reason Atheon comes outta nowhere and is like, "nah bro." And he sends me back in time. Anyways... I've been playing destiny to pass the time (I'm assuming that DeeJ is a time traveler because how else would he know that this was the real future.) and to train myself for when I can go back to the future to kill oryx. I'm spending my money on making a new time machine, and I can't afford to purchase the taken King, so if you want me to defeat oryx in the future I'll need the proper training while I work on my time machine. So yeah... There you have it... someone? Anyone? Edit: some of you think this is a joke, but I'm being serious okay? I will go back in time and get darth vader to force choke your asses down



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