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9/10/2015 4:31:27 PM

Crucible Tested Guardian Looking for a Clan Which to Shine (Xbone)

So almost all of my playtime is spent in the Crucible, and I am constantly frustrated and confused by the lack of use of the lfg tools for finding team mates in the Crucible. Almost none of my RL friends or co-workers play Destiny, and so I am almost always having to go into the Crucible solo. I have been striving to break that 1.5 K/D cut off for most of the PvP centric Destiny clans, however I find that in the Crucible one is usually only as good as your team will allow. I constantly find myself in matches where I am pushed out of cover or off my firing line by randoms, where I am charging the enemy with two or three team mates at my back only to engage and have them immediately die or run off somewhere uselessly. I know I can be much better player if I can just find other competent people to play with. I am ranked at #6112 (as of time of writing) for total Crucible games played, I am experienced and know what works and what not to do. I have seen the common mistakes and the uncommon successes. I am a team player who can hold my own in a fire fight or make the necessary sacrifice for my team to take the win. I am friendly and talkative, but quiet up and focus on the task at hand once the match starts. I am looking specifically for a PvP focused clan (if 10 of my clan mates are playing Destiny, then I want at least 7 of them to be down for Crucible), with a sizable active population (>30), who screen their members. I don't care too much about specifically how they are screened or by what measure, so long as it ensures quality team mates. So if I seem like a good fit for your clan, send me a message, either here or on Xbox Live (APuddle210), thanks for taking the time to read this, hope to see you in orbit!



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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