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9/8/2015 1:56:47 AM

The $40 digital download for TTK on 360 is not on the Microsoft Store?

I tried to pre order the $40 digital download version of the TTK for my 360 via the TTK webpage here: When you click pre order on that page it links you to the Microsoft Store page to buy it so I continued the process and thought I had pre ordered my digital copy of TTK. Like 2 days later my buddy told me that he couldnt find the digital download for 360 available to pre order on the MS and i was like, "that cant be right." so I checked and sure enough you cant.. I am 100% positive I hit the Xbox 360 button on the TTK page but how could I buy it off the store if it doesnt exist?.. did the link take me to buy for Xbox one? or does the digital download work for both? I would really like to get this cleared up bc apparently I cant get a refund and I am going to be pissed if I wasted 40 bucks bc the MS linked me to the wrong page. also WHY IS IT ONLY ON MS TO PRE ORDER FOR XBONE!? THAT MAKES NO SENSE! please help. I want to play this expansion and I would like to get my money back at least if I can so I can buy the right version when it comes out..



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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