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Destiny について話し合おう
LinYoshiBelleにより編集済み: 8/26/2015 10:23:10 AM

A very fun Doubles match. Episode 1!!

Aye, everyone. I'm an avid Crucible player and I do post on the forums quite often. Before we start, I'd like to say that my main loadout consists of Salvation State, Patience and Time, and Tomorrow's Answer. I use Gunslinger. Anyhow, I'm posting a series of "Crucible Adventures" for anyone/everyone to enjoy. I want to offer a way to watch people play without using Blinkshotgun, The Last Thorn, or Her Auto-Aim. So people can see just how fun the Crucible is. Me and my comrades are members of a clan called, "JimCarried." Anyhow we're down to party up. Here's episode one: Also: I give credit to the players in the match by putting their PSN name in the description, like all persons that were part of the episode. Give 'em a like and a shout-out, mmmk? Thanks for watching, and we'll be posting more videos soon! =D



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