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8/25/2015 3:02:54 PM
8 dare you!!!!

General motors are a bunch of thieves!!!I bought a 2015 GMC Sierra fully loaded jus to find out that those crooks at general motors are simply going to jus release a newer 2016 model of the very same truck I have. The 2016 model has wayyy more shit then mine. Why did I even buy the 2015 model if they were jus gonna screw me over in the future. You can't jus release a newer better version of the vehicle I currently have!!!!! That's jus unfair to me because now if I want all the new shiny perks of the new model, I have to shell out more money jus to have it!!! GMC should either give me the new model for free or jus let me stop making payments on the one I already starting a petition to sue general motors!! Lol does this little scenario sound familiar to all you destiny fans? Well it should because this is you guys on a daily



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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