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Destiny について話し合おう
Zanithosにより編集済み: 8/6/2015 6:18:09 AM

Dinklage or Nolan North? Who will be a better ghost?





So, by now you may or may not have heard the news that Dinklage's lines are being re-recorded by Nolan North, and that he will be providing new lines for not only the Ghost, but possibly other characters going forwards. I'm just wondering, amongst my fellow guardians, who do you think will sound better? Does the original Dinklebot still do it for you, and you're fine with other people speaking through him in the DLCs, or is it time for the new and improved Nolandroid to step into the role? Please feel free to use the polls for voting, and the comment section to back up your decision. Also, try to refrain from profanity, heated arguments, or insults. The Ninjas are watching. 0_o Happy voting guardians! Also, Nolandroid ftw! ;P Edit: want to submit your own name for our new floaty narrator/comrade? Head [url=]HERE[/url] to submit your own name, and vote on pre-existing ones! Edit #2: Over 100 comments, and you guys really like Nolan North! Keep the Votes and names coming lol, I'm rolling over here. XD Edit #3: Calling the voting due to it being 1:15am and all, and Nolandroid has come out on top! Thanks to all who voted! Now all we have to do is wait for the next big update, and hopefully Nolan North will sound just as good we all hope. Thanks again for voting/commenting, and best of luck in your Destiny endeavours!



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