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7/24/2015 4:43:43 AM


As ive seen of lately as a group we have started to fade a bit from destiny. To whatever else can keep out attention and I cant disagree more. I know myself have ben on and off this game some what disappointed with the shortcommings of this late HoW dlc. Im sure many of you feel the same and impatiently wait as TTK slowly makes its way into our ps3s. Me 2 even though its cost double the amount we are used 2. The thing that really seems to bother me is that are we going to reap double the benefits. We have a new patch comming 2.0 thats supposedly going to fix alot of old and new issues as well as even out the line with a few of our favorite toys so please be aware clan. If you need me or just feel like helping me out ill be in trials on the weekends, circlelable, queens bounties and PoE. Thats all I have for now like always ill c u on the playing field.



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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