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7/5/2015 1:11:34 AM

Kicked from Trials of Osiris?

So I was attempting flawless today in the Trials of Osiris with a friend of mine, since we have never gone flawless before. We teamed up with a player from LFG who was looking to help out anybody who hadn't gone flawless. To my surprise, we managed to go 8-0, so you could imagine how excited I was. But during the first round, the banner at the bottom of the screen began flashing telling me it was contacting Destiny servers, yet I had a green bar and none of the players were glitching around. My friend is also in the same room as me, so he was on the same internet connection. I was then promptly kicked from the game, with the error code: weasel. My team ended up beating them despite being outmatched, and my friend went to the Lighthouse without me. My only question is was it possible that the other team had done something to my connection and got me kicked from the game? You can imagine how angry I was, but now I just want answers. And if this is actually a thing that people can do, is there a way Bungie can combat it?



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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