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オリジナルの投稿元:Collective Of Knowledge
6/29/2015 7:58:04 AM
So i was just thinking about this earlier today and has to do with atheon and the extra damage you can do. during the time you have to damage atheon in between teleports it allows you to do bonus damage. My theory on this is as far as we know (correct me if i'm wrong) there have been 3 teams that have delved into the vault. Your own team and two led by kabr. So what if during times vengeance through time (past,present,future) it has all three teams shooting atheon but in different timelines and zones. That would help explain times vengance in the form of atheon is unable to keep the timelines seperated while engaging you so he has to release the barriers between the times to defend himself from you and your team. This once again feeds back into the theory of through different points in time, different fights, different teams, (even going as far as) different atheons all fights are intertwined into one fight. And how that would work is atheon is being attacked from 3 (or more) fronts or flanks even though from our perspective we are the only ones fighting him becuase the other fights will be fought or already have. Let me know what you think of this and add-on/correct it if necessary -Silver



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