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6/23/2015 7:54:32 PM

Trials of Osirus tweeks for the better

After playing weekly through Trials of Osirus, which in my personal opinion is the most fun I've had on destiny since the VOG first came out. There are few small changes that could make the game experience and matches more rounded and a stable as a competitive arena. 1) spawn flips. For the whole match you're forced to play starting from one end. In any other sport/game with opposite ends, it's always an equalizer with after a certain number of rounds the teams change sides. 2) load outs. It is a fun tactical move to check out what the other team is rocking, or trying to bluff you with there gear choices. But there is a part that says switching armour and weapons mid match is kinda silly. I would suggest locking load outs with the biggest change is coming to the heavy round. Lots of players will take off their exotic hand cannon and throw on their truth, Gally etc. making a locked gear arena would mean you have to plan your build and be well versed in countering with the tools you've chosen to fight. 3) weekends only on trials. This bugs me the most cause on my weekends I much rather be out with friends. I'm a gamer throughout the week after work etc. restricting the game mode to only fri-mon is a bummer. Having it going throughout the week would be great. Maybe characters that have gone to the lighthouse can no longer jump in a game till the reset? I specifically said [u]characters[/u] and not [u]players[/u]. That could dwindle down the complains on uber players carrying And making a larger pool of players. (Been hearing a lot with people not even stepping in cause they get wiped badly). That's all, comments, opinions etc all welcome:)
#feedback #osirus



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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