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Destiny について話し合おう
6/21/2015 1:04:16 AM

Hunter armor guide/ help

Hey guys! So ever since HoW dropped, i have been very eager to get to level 34. Within the second week or so, i got to level 34 on my beloved hunter, (which was pretty fast in my opinion), but at some expense. Well you see, i got all my armor from the PoE vendor (i think his name is valriks) which had light 42, buttt, it was all strenght buff for all 4 armor peices. That means currently i have about 500 strenght and 0 intellect & discipline. If you can't tell, this is extremely inefficient since 100% effect of strenght caps off around 250 strenght, and my grenade and super recharge very slowly. This got me thinking since now we can ascend our gear, so there are [b]a lot[/b] more possibilites. Before we were limited to Crota's End/Iron Banner armor, but now we can upgrade the light level of more armor pieces, so we could use stuff like VoG and vendor armor. [b]So that's why i create this topic! Feel free to post your favourite armor loadouts for your hunter! I personally prefer high intellect or strenght on my hunter but other combos are good too. ALSO think about important perks on armor. Make sure to indicate if you loadout if for pvp, pve, or both! A perfect combination of perks, buffs, and str, int, dis can give you a MAJOR advantage on the battlefield. [/b] I can't can't wait to see all the creative things you guys come up with. Seeya around guardians :3



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