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Destiny について話し合おう
6/19/2015 3:26:45 PM

Destiny Expansion Passes Reminder

Destiny Expansion Passes Reminder As my previous post mentioned ( , sometimes we are lead to believe by the internet or media about facts, that are in reality not facts. We make decisions on the hope that these will in turn be reality at some point. Before you order your The Taken King, please read carefully to what you get and do not get. Also, remember to welcome our new members to the game, I like many of you have been a beta player, and sometimes I forgot what it is to be the first one playing a game, we were there making this game greater and greater. Whether or not you feel that this expansion pack is worth, remember it isnt always easy to get your money back. Better safe to wait until it is released, and purchasing after it has been beta tested by the first day users. This is what I found to the official release, but thenagain, I am sure they are entitled to change if they want. •Powerful New Abilities - To battle back the Darkness and the Taken army, players will get brand new subclasses with new supers. Warlocks will now harness the power of an electric storm, Hunters will carve a bow formed from gravitational void energy, and Titans will summon a flaming hammer that can sear their adversaries from a range or deliver a devastating melee impact. •New Campaign - A massive Hive Dreadnaught ship looms in the rings of Saturn. Oryx, The Taken King has arrived in our solar system, bringing with him a corrupted army to exact revenge on the Guardians who destroyed his son Crota, and to consume our worlds. Arm yourself with newfound abilities, weapons, and gear. Defeat the Taken hordes. Make your way aboard the Dreadnaught, and face Oryx himself within his inner sanctum. •New Locations - The amazing Destiny universe continues to expand - Infiltrate a Cabal base on Phobos, and establish a beachhead on Oryx's flagship - the Dreadnaught - a mysterious, loot-filled fortress. Charge into the Crucible where all-new competitive multiplayer maps await you and your Fireteam. •Level Cap Increased and All-New Gear - Fill your arsenal with brand new weapons and armor. Find and collect new, powerful Exotics while continuing to level up in the Destiny universe. •New Activities - Adventure through new Strikes featuring powerful bosses, follow more questlines that lead to powerful, new gear and brave the next major Raid to test six-player Fireteams. Good luck to all of you.



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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