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Destiny について話し合おう
Cuddles81により編集済み: 4/29/2015 12:01:25 AM

Came across a Fate of all Fools in IB?

So thought I'd share, got killed today in IB by a Fate of all Fools. I remember there being 1 in existence, what are the odds it would be in my game. Anyways, here's the pics. [url][/url] and [url][/url] *re-added pics *edit 2. Good to see 'the brain dude' is still up and gunning, even if he did kill me *edit 3 title. Just in case anyone gets excited, FoaF is not an IB reward. *edit 4. Not that Trifecta will see this, but on the off chance, how about sharing some gunplay footage from crucible? So we can have a proper look at FoaF? *edit 5. Link to Trifecta profile so you can see it equipped. (on warlock last time) [url][/url]



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