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Destiny について話し合おう
Teresiussにより編集済み: 5/8/2015 9:42:45 PM

Another Walker still no 3D aerial/wall fallen combat

After the very first baby steps we take on "Destiny" we saw a group of fallen crawling on the walls and ceiling hiding from the sight in the most cinematic moment of Destiny. Then never again a fallen use that innate ability.... The closer we get is some big guy who crawls with some geriatric handicap from a sewer pipe or prison pod the rest of the clan just keep running at a decent speed but never an aerial feat. Now we get the same kind of insectoid that we stomped million times. not an arachnid or something that crawl on the wall or ceilings a thing that will be a game changer adding a truly use of the big environment above our head and some distraction as well since we have to choose who will defend upper area or melee combatants a real 3D feeling and a reason to see those big empty horizontal space that almost every area have. I'm not talking about "xenomorphs" wall crawling ability; Even an enemy spawn area above our head will feel more a lot like an ambush than those set up by our ghosts with the same plot "It seems that I messed up with some alarm ups!" or "I'm downloading that vex porn folders, face some waves of enemies meantime" geez maybe a ghost can hack and take control of some weapon bringing some insignificant support. Destiny just keeps bringing me down please prove me wrong



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