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Destiny について話し合おう
joshuavalladaresにより編集済み: 3/29/2015 11:32:35 AM

shader ideas

you want eva to sell all shaders (minus raid)


you don't want eva to sell all shaders


you don't really care about shaders anyway


hi everyone knows Eva levante right the old lady hiding in the dark corner of the tower yeah her. right now she is as useless as the cryptarch and don't even get me starter on him anyway even with the "shader rotation" that bungie put in place for her it's just the same shaders just getting sold over and over so i have come up with an idea to fix this....probably. she should have all of the games shaders in stock (minus the raid shaders of course) and have her sell two common shaders, two rare shaders and two legendary shaders everyday on an RNG rotation. she should also sell ship shader templates and weapon shader templates that are consumables (think the coils the xur sells for the sparrows). that's all i have for now but if you like this idea please let it be known to the community and to the dev's



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