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4/21/2015 11:17:23 PM

The Fraction of Destiny

Bungie has provided us fellow fans with amazing and fun filled content, but has yet to really nail in those replay values. Now speaking for a lot of fans we need more breath taking moments, now don't get me wrong there is plenty of remarkable structures and buckets of lens flares to go around but what about the true moments in gaming? The moment were you're not just looking at the screen and saying wow, those are some nice graphics, no, I mean those moments where your on the edge of your seat filled with suspense, excitement, and even joy. This is what destiny is lacking the true "feeling" of the game which can be easily overcome with just a little time and effort into mixing how good gear is with how it looks. Now yes most legendary to exotic gear in destiny is pretty amazing looking to most players, but wouldn't it be better if you found some rare gear that in your opinion it looks dazzling on your character but you really want to wear it in battle well guess what looks like you going to have to we're it some where else because this set of armor just isn't good enough. But don't forget about those mementos either I meant true cut scenes just as good as the teaser trailers and trailers bungie makes for dlc why can't that be in the game? The fact that people can't do as they want as in "role play" and truly "feel" the game is just kinda, a hole in perfection to me, but those are just my thoughts thanks for reading!



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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