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Destiny について話し合おう
4/11/2015 4:17:28 PM

lol @ 'earners'

lemme tell you a little story way back when pre DB I used lfg to find a match for the weekly 28 as it gave the most coins. it was phogoth and i was level 27, got matched up with a couple of chill 28 guys. we went through it and at the end didn't need to use te shrieker room cuz we were mobile enough. i died constantly due to being lower level but the other guys didn't really mind as they could handle it. finished. postgame screen showed i only had 45 kills compared to their 89 and 104. we all got our coins, but i also got a purple engram. it decoded into gjallarhorn. now tell me how I earned that gun by getting carried like a backpack more than someone who strolled through several weeklies solo with no problem getting coins. [spoiler]i respect xur more than rng honestly[/spoiler]



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