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Destiny について話し合おう
4/10/2015 5:43:02 AM

Is Destiny that terrible of a game?

Everyone is ripping on how the RNG is unrewarding and yes it is. Everyone hates the lack of story and how it's BS that we have to "make our own legend" and again yes, terrible plan Everyone hates the unbalance in PvP between everything and yes, there is real unbalance. But is Destiny terrible? Is it truly a bad game compared to the [i]1000s[/i] of games that all started when Atari released Pong? Atari 2600 alone had over 500 games. 50 were memorable to a point. I choose to think that it could have been way worse. The graphics were amazing. The user interface was magical. The artwork put into it was real and deep. The only reason why we "hate" Destiny was because it is another E.T. It was a let down. In comparison, it's a great game. It's just not a great movie. Anyone disagree? If so leave your opinion and even if you agree let me know. Also, if you are 12 and don't know what Atari is, use the phone you're on and brush up. FYI I'm only 17 and didn't live this, I just know it cause my dad was a huge gamer.



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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