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Destiny について話し合おう
InfinitySerpentにより編集済み: 3/17/2015 10:30:16 AM

the last thing you did with your hands will be your super ability in destiny

mine would be eating sherbet whats yours? edit 1: seems the hand is a mighty funny tool to work with edit 2: must use you whole hand not only fingers, typing, mouse, ect edit 3: I'm enjoying the food related and the master category ones :) edit 4 if ya scratch any part of you body you get the spore super(release the spores super infect nearby enemies to fight along with you!) edit 5: if you wipe your butt you get the wipe super similar to atheons oracles edit 6: if ya do the master bates then you get [spoiler]shotgun dick super[/spoiler]



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