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Legend To Noneにより編集済み: 4/2/2015 6:16:24 PM

Your First Clan

What was your first gaming clan that you have ever joined? My first clan was called BKBG-Bad Kids Breaking Glass. The clan was on Halo 2 when I was 12 (8 years ago) I only joined because I liked the people I was playing with,so, joining the clan just made sense. It was pretty fun and they made events for members to accomplish. Looking back though, they were useless, but just hilarious. One event was a Bootcamp, this was just about walking around Coagulation multiple times in a single file line. While the leader would yell at those who weren't in line and just have fun with it. Kids used to always ask "why are we doing this"..."it tests your patience, if you leave you are out of the clan." Lololol Then another was passing a driving test to be allowing to drive in Matchmaking. Thankfully I passed mine, basically just listened to my instructor tell me to do shit. Good times though, I was talking to my friend who convinced me to join BKBG way back when. What was your first clan? How was your experience?



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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