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Jphn_33により編集済み: 3/16/2015 5:32:25 AM

Surprising Game Moments

As the title says, this thread is all about surprising game moments. Define surprising how you want, though! Moments of shock, beauty, panic, etc. Anything that surprised you in a game, post it here. I've had plenty of experiences, but the most recent one is really amazing. Today, I was playing New Game Plus for Dark Souls 2, and that was full of surprises in itself. There were plenty of surprising moments, as New Game Plus did a great job of taking me off guard with new stuff. For example, there was a part in one area where the boss just randomly showed up. I freaked out, and the boss left soon after. Not to mention new enemies in new places. So, the reason I'm doing New Game Plus is because I wanted to see the new content released for Dark Souls 2. I needed to kill the four main bosses, and a new character would show up afterwards. After the last boss, I looked around and couldn't find it. So, in dismay, I went to kindle a primal bonfire. Then BOOM. My character was sent off his feet, and out of the ground rose the character I had spent several hours in order to find. The charred head covered with roots towered above my character, and told me I still had a ways to go. And so now I know I'm on track, and soon I'll get the alternate ending to Dark Souls 2



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