While I hesitate to post this here because of the huge number of 12 year old trolls who have never seen a real girl naked, I ask the more mature and experienced part of the forum for some advice. Me and my girlfriend broke up after a big fight Saturday night after prom, and we haven't really talked since. Since the reason I asked her out in the first place is she was a really cool person and an awesome funny girl who I was good friends with, I don't want to lose a person like that. So basically, I want to try and become friends again like before. I know this is gonna be awkward at first an probably a long process, but she was one of my closest friends and is really like that back. As I said, we haven't talked since it happened. We go to the same school and have classes together, but as I said I haven't talked to her yet and I have no idea if she wants to be friends or what. Any advice as to how I should approach this?
Thanks guys I've heard all I need to I appreciate the help. Don't need any more responses. I've gotten a loud no from her for now, with a maybe farther down the line.
An incredibly successful and completely legitimate way to ensure a Female is attracted to you. The first step is relatively easy. Put a two slices of Toast in an envelope with the female's name on it. Step two requires patience; requiring a 48 hour period of zero contact until the female gives back the envelope. Do not open the envelope again until you're in a secure environment. If step two was performed successfully, the envelope should now contain nude pics of your target. Step three requires speaking to her alone using a secret code: If you ask: "Is the peanut butter in the potato?" and she answers with: "No it is in the apple sauce.", then the Toast/Envelope Method was performed successfully and you can continue your courtship on your own terms. Alternatively, if you are kicked in the testicles upon uttering the code, it is safe to say she is not interested.
You don't need dat women! Devote your life to god and he will grant you enternal happiness and virginity.
It all depends on how you broke up I guess. But part of growing up is accepting that you cocked up and living with the consequences. I've lost a good friend in a similar way and we don't talk anymore, but I didn't have to -blam!- her and it's something I've got to live with.
Don't over think it until you talk to her. She may still want to keep the friendship going. You don't want to be with someone that doesn't make you feel loved or appreciated. Time and space heals all that is broken. You'll have clarity as far as what you want eventually. Just keep busy and graduate.
Just ask her if she wouldn't mind staying friends. Just keep in mind that girls someone's mistake friendship and kindness as you trying to make a move. Some people also don't want to maintain a friendship once their relationship doesn't work. Be up front with her and in life, the worst that will happen is she says no.
Thought you said closet friends. Tell her what you told us and see how she feels.
Hellbent02により編集済み: 3/16/2015 6:49:06 PMWell break ups usually do suck so sorry about that happening. You really shouldn't get in a relationship till you are both comfortable showing affection toward each other. When you are in a relationship you shouldn't worry about how to act as a couple. If you two are truly in love with each other it should just come natural and you go with the flow of things. Don't plan things like that. I get some people don't like doing it in public and I had gfs like that which bothered me as well. They say they don't like public affection but to me it seemed they didn't want other guys thinking we was bf and gf so just in case one was checking them out. My brother and his gf show affection to each other when no one is around but doesn't often when people are around them. Some people just can't change regardless that you want them to. Best advice I can give for future dating is to make sure a girl is comfortable with stuff like that. For your current problem, just talk to her and let her know that you still want to remain friends. You can deal with that you two don't work out as a couple but you do work out as friends. If she doesn't want to be friends still then there is really nothing else you can do. Don't give up on making new friends and also finding love. Explore your options also. There is different ways of meeting people. In my 34 years and still pushing, I've been with a total of 5 gfs. I have dated many others as well. I can tell you each and every one of them was a bit different and for me to finally get in a relationship that has lasted longer than a year (we been going out 2 and half now i believe) i had to basically find someone that compliments me in many different ways. Sure my gf is different than me but we have a lot in common and feel the same about relationships and that's the key to finding a good one at least in my experience.
Trust me when I say this, it's better off this way. Move on and meet new people. You'll make more friends and everything just sorts itself out. Becoming friends with an ex is always a rather complex and difficult thing that normally doesn't work out smoothly no matter how hard you try. Sometimes it'll seem forced just because you're not willing to let her go from your life. Now everyone is different but this is what my experience tells me. I'm in my mid-twenties now if that helps to give you an idea of where I am now in life in terms of age groups
You're actually choosing to be friendzoned? Ur doing it wrong m8. You're already a slave to her.
It honestly depends on who started the fight, what the fight consisted of, and how pissed off she actually is. While apologizing sincerely won't get her back, it might get her to talk to you again. The problem is you can't sound so pathetic and apologetic that she sees you in a completely different way. Don't go in guns hot saying something like "I'm sorry it's all my fault I didn't deserve you you're the best thing that ever happened to me!" Blah blah blah. No. You have to show your maturity level. Just as her to talk, tell her you were in the wrong for whatever it was you were fighting about, and that you're sorry. Don't try to get her back during the apology either, if she's still fuming she probably won't consider it. Best advice is act as quickly as possible on reconnecting with her, then bide your time a bit before you start up another relationship. Don't wait too long though, she might slip through on a rebound.
Hey. It's high school. If you go to college she will be only a distant memory. I am no longer friends with the people I went to high school with. We are social media friends and that's all. You can talk to her and try to work things out so she won't be pissy forever, or you can keep it trucking because you have your life ahead of you. You are virtually unstoppable and shouldn't let one person get you down.
[quote]Any advice as to how I should approach this?[/quote] Gently. If you approach her and get one of those "oh no, here he comes" vibes? Just smile, nod and show her that you're respecting her desires not to speak with her. If she appears open to at least a short conversation, something along the lines of "Hey, I know that we had a bad night, but I really do like spending time with you and think that you're awesome. I am just wondering if you'd like to talk about things, maybe now, maybe later. No pressure, just let me know if and when you'd like to talk. If you don't want to talk, I understand and won't push, but I did think that you deserved some honesty and to know that I still want to spend time with you." Change that up if it doesn't match your actual thoughts, but above all, be calm, be polite, be honest, but don't put any pressure on her. She may feel bad about the incident too, she may still be pissed. But there is never anything wrong with being honest and putting your cards on the table. Even if the reaction is "get away, stay away, don't talk to me ever again", you were honest and got a reply that tells you where things stand.
Me and my girlfriend use to be really good friends, i would be so scared to lose her. She's a funny and just a sweet person. I dont want to lose someone close to me. If we break up im going to try to be friends with her. It will be so awkward at first, but oh well whatever keeps her in my life. I suggest you do the same thing, if you care for someone that much keep them. Try to be friends with her,give her some time though. Good luck bud.