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HELP1NG HANDにより編集済み: 3/2/2015 5:39:05 PM

Why is the Glasshouse so hideous?

While there are aspects of the helmet which disappoint me (no Inverse Shadow, having to choose weapons or blessing of light), I believe that it is still the best exotic armor to use for a team oriented defender. The only thing is that the helmet is just hideous. My titan looks like he is wearing a greenhouse on his face. The appearance is really odd, but the coloration is what really assaults the retinas the hardest. Teal greenish color that clashes with every other piece of armor and every shader in the game but two (Provincial Royal, and Glowhoo). Functionally the helmet is good, second to none in a raid of six guardians. But cosmetically, oh Bungie, why?? Why would you do this? I run the glasshouse during most of my defender gameplay (especially while in a fireteam) just because I care more about function than fashion. But it is just so awkward looking...



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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