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Destiny について話し合おう
2/28/2015 11:45:58 PM

Destiny: Vatonage Part 3 (Destiny Fanfiction)

Hey, Guardians. :) Welcome to Part 3. If you haven't read Part 1 and Part 2, you can go check those out here: Part 1: Part 2: For those who have read it, the story continues into its intricate plot. Let me know what you guys think. Hope you enjoy! :) Pain. Death. Misery. It all swam around her in a vortex of darkness. She spun and spun and saw her Light dwindling as the screams of millions entered her ears. Suffering. Loneliness. Sorrow. The words were spoken in many languages, even ones that she could not recognize as human. It was like a message cycling over and over again on loop, taunting her, destroying her. The Light is gone. Darkness flowed around her body as it tore the Light from her. She heard the screams dwindle and dwindle until there was only one voice... her screams. Darkness will reign. In a instant, the scene changed into a view of the galaxy, except it wasn't the one she knew. Everything was the same, but nothing wasn't different. She saw tentacles of Darkness begin to swallow the galaxy, Earth, the City, the Traveler, everything. It was all black. Then the scene changed, but she did not know that. All she saw was Darkness. Her screams stopped. ______________________ REC96//SUBJECT #12: JOAN STATUS: UNKNOWN LOCATION: UNKNOWN TIME:UNKNOWN// Gram: "Let her out!" Kramer: "There's nothing more to do! She is gone!" Gram: "But she is still in there. Her body isn't gone yet." Kramer: "You know better than most that it isn't the body that matters." Gram: "She has the strongest willpower of any Guardian-" Kramer: "But it will not save her this time. The Device was too powerful for her. The risks were clearly understood before she entered." Gram: "Then why aren't we letting her out?" (Silence) Gram: "Well?!" (Gram looks over and sees that an unknown Exo has entered the room.) Kramer: "The Device is...n-n-not opening. W-we..." (The Exo lifts up his hand to silence Kramer.) ???: That's enough. We're not moving forward. Gram: "You don't know what to do?" ???: "It wasn't about knowing what to do, it was about knowing for sure." Gram: For sure of what? (The Exo walks over to the closed Device.) Gram: "Who are you?" (Silence.) ???: Kramer, you knew the risks, yes? (Kramer shifts uncomfortably.) Kramer: Yes, sir. (The Exo turns toward Gram. A hand cannon is clearly displayed at his side.) ???: And you? (Silence.) ???: Thought so. (Two gunshots are heard, and Gram drops dead.) ???: "Take him to the crematorium. We've got what we need now." Kramer: "And that is?" (Silence as the Exo inspects his gun.) ???: "Kramer, you were a valuable asset to me. Without you, the War Cult would be all but lost." Kramer: "Thank you, sir. Um...were?" (The Exo stares coldly at Kramer, then he swiftly charges at him, brandishing his gun.) Kramer: "PLEASE NO!!" (The Exo stops.) ???: "You were a good asset, but you know what you are now?" (Kramer whispers.) ???: "A valuable asset." (The Exo holsters his weapon before turning to two guards who enter the room.) ???: "Take Gram to the Catacombs. He will be grateful when he wakes up." Guard 1: "Yes, Lakshmi." (The guards pick up Gram's motionless body and carry him away. The Exo turns to Kramer.) Lakshmi: "Good work, Kramer. We have what we need." Kramer: "Which is?" (The Exo stares at the floor, still covered in Gram's blood.) Lakshmi: "A way to communicate with it." Kramer: "The Device? You mean it's-" Lakshmi: "No. But what's on the other side is, and it's finally willing to talk to us." (Silence.) Lakshmi: "Gram was right about Joan. She has the willpower. Now let's see how long she lasts." END RECORD// ___________________ The crescent shape of the moon hung high and cast a soft blue luminescence over the Mothlands. In the distance, the old colony ships of Old Russia cast its shadow over the Cosmodrome, eclipsing the lunar light spreading across the valley. Within this shadow, Delphi assessed the damage of a Guardian's downed ship, its owner's fate forever a mystery. Meanwhile, Banshee scanned the surrounding area for any signs of their pursuers. For two days they had been combing the wasteland, hoping for their salvation. They would find none in that valley tonight. Despite their best efforts, the Fallen have not managed to locate Banshee and his companion, much to their surprise and relief. However, the Fallen have not given up. Even from here, the low hum of their Skiffs can be heard as they search for their prize. Sparks flew as Delphi connected with the abandoned ship's, and Banshee turned to see that the Ghost's efforts had succeeded. Banshee looked to Delphi, "Are we ready?" Delphi could not smile and neither could Banshee, but they knew what joy felt like, "It's done." Immediately, the ground surrounding the machine erupted as it rose from its long slumber, ready to soar once more. Banshee and Delphi disappeared as the transmat system came online. They settled into the cockpit as the old motor churned and the gears grinded to achieve elevation. Banshee took the controls as they prepared for their journey home, whatever that was. The ship accelerated and began to soar over the rotting array on top of Skywatch. As it did, Banshee's eyes wandered away from the ground to the colony ships rushing past them. From the ships to the sky. From the sky, to the stars. Suddenly, the stars blinked out. "Delphi?" Banshee lost his joy as fear rose within his circuits. Darkness swallowed the light emanating from the moon, and all they saw was black. Banshee looked to the ground to only see that there was no ground anymore. He looked up to see there was no sky. There was nothing but darkness. Delphi was gone. He was He was flying. He did not know. Throughout his body, a low hum shook his machinery, his core, his Light. A million screams echoed from everywhere around him, and he was frightened when a hand struck out from the darkness and clamped onto him. He thrashed and pulled, trying to escape, but there was no escape from the darkness. Pain. Death. Misery. He realized that the hand wasn't trying to grab him. It was trying to pull away. Suffering. Loneliness. Sorrow. Finally, he stopped resisting. The current was that of a great river, roaring and crashing against its might. The Light is gone. The screams left him, being replaced with one scream. A woman's. Darkness will reign. He reached into the void, and he felt skin. Smooth but calloused skin. Her screams stopped. It was not hers. It was his. ___________________ "STOP! STOP IT!" Kramer screamed into the blackness that filled the room. The noise of people screaming pounded his eardrums as he moved closer to the source of it: the Device. Quickly, he wrapped his fingers underneath the sealed compartment. The screams were like that of millions being tortured by the evil of the Darkness. He just wanted to end it all here. Kramer, with all of his will, lifted the container, and the screams stopped. The darkness retreated into the shadows, and the lights flickered, revealing the figure inside the compartment. Kramer stepped back slowly, horrified and confused. A female Exo lay within. A stranger had arrived.



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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