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2/26/2015 5:07:57 AM

CUCIBLE SUGGESTION: Please add Energy and Shard Drops to the Rewards

CUCIBLE SUGGESTION: Please add Energy and Shard Drops to the Rewards I play mostly crucible and all the story, yet I struggle like crazy to get any energy/shards. Yet those players that happen to be teenagers that know 100+ other gamers and can therefore get into fire teams easily and often to Raid often have literally got so many Shards/Energy that they are complaining about having a couple hundred that they don't use. Clearly there is an unacceptable imbalance here between different types of players. NOTE: I play Crucible (mostly), all story missions pretty much as soon as they come out, increasingly more strikes, Weekly Heroic Strikes now that they are matchmade. Im an FWC allied player... in other words Im engaged in the vast majority of content. I'd like to do Raids but I don't often have time to dedicate to finding randoms and then playing it. Plus, there are a lot of people I don't have a lot of fun talking to... such as people half-my-age... nothing against them, but it makes for a less than pleasant experience after work & university. Still, I pay for the DLC content and I play 90% of the game. Why do I have very very very few fully upgraded weapons and armour while those that can do the Raid have hundreds of unused pieces?



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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