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Destiny について話し合おう
2/19/2015 10:14:33 PM

what is wrong with wanting to be a Special Snowflake?

Since this is [i]social[/i] game, why wouldn't people who spent a lot of time grinding for gear want to show off to others? Of course because of RNG there will always be those off guardians that get good items with little work. Also there will be those who put in massive time and don't get what they want. However, bottom line is people who play more often give themselves more chances for loot. I know Xur will always exist so this is no petition. I don't have a problem with Xur and have bought from him. I just don't understand why some people have an issue with Xur not selling certain exotics? Is nothing sacred? I think certain exotics should be excluded from his loot table. I also don't support trading for many of the same reasons. TL;DR It's ok to want special snowflake status because it is a way of showing dedication to the game.



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