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Destiny について話し合おう
AnonPigにより編集済み: 2/19/2015 4:41:56 PM

(Updated)Destiny has created one of the greatest...

...universes I've ever gotten to dive into head first. There's so much to do and see and experience and learn. Honestly I have no regrets about buying it. The only valid complaint about the game is poor implementation of its fantastic story. Simply a aesthetically pleasing picture with a narrative voice over. But the issue is destiny plans on being here for ten years and if each character is recurring that's a lot of bills to pay. [b]5 random universes that are fantastic[/b](no particular order) 1: Destiny 2: Pokemon 3: DC 4: Doctor Who 5: Kingkiller Chronicles [b]fan favorites[/b] Elder scrolls Dragon age Mass effect Fall out Star wars Tolkien Zelda Warhammer Here's a story for all who disagree.. [spoiler] Once upon a time, There was a little boy born in a little town. He was perfect, or so his mother thought. But one thing was different about him. He had a gold screw in his belly button. Just the head of it peeping out. Now his mother was simply glad he had all his fingers and toes to count with. But as the boy grew up he realized not everyone had screws in their belly buttons, let alone gold ones. He asked his mother what it was for, but she didn’t know. Next he asked his father, but his father didn’t know. He asked his grandparents, but they didn’t know either. That settled it for a while, but it kept nagging him. Finally, when he was old enough, he packed a bag and set out, hoping he could find someone who knew the truth of it. He went from place to place, asking everyone who claimed to know something about anything. He asked midwives and physickers, but they couldn’t make heads or tails of it. The boy asked arcanists, tinkers, and old hermits living in the woods, but no one had ever seen anything like it. He went to ask the Cealdim merchants, thinking if anyone would know about gold, it would be them. But the Cealdim merchants didn’t know. He went to the arcanists at the University, thinking if anyone would know about screws and their workings, they would. But the arcanists didn’t know. The boy followed the road over the Stormwal to ask the witch women of the Tahl, but none of them could give him an answer. Eventually he went to the King of Vint, the richest king in the world. But the king didn’t know. He went to the Emperor of Atur, but even with all his power, the emperor didn’t know. He went to each of the small kingdoms, one by one, but no one could tell him anything. Finally the boy went to the High King of Modeg, the wisest of all the kings in the world. The high king looked closely at the head of the golden screw peeping from the boy’s belly button. Then the high king made a gesture, and his seneschal brought out a pillow of golden silk. On that pillow was a golden box. The high king took a golden key from around his neck, opened the box, and inside was a golden screwdriver. The high king took the screwdriver and motioned the boy to come closer. Trembling with excitement, the boy did. Then the high king took the golden screwdriver and put it in the boy’s belly button. Then the high king carefully turned the golden screw. Once: Nothing. Twice: Nothing. . . Then he turned it the third time . . . and the boy’s ass fell off.” [/spoiler] Understand? So bump if you agree, bump if you think I'm an idiot, I don't care either way.



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

  • I think you are right and that they set this game up as good as could be. I wasn't even hyped about it before it launched but bought it because I had no other games to play and had my ps4 only a month or 2. But since it's a long term game plan as they say they did a great job of pulling us in and giving us just enough to peak our interest. Now they can just dole out information and new things to us a little at a time. Kinda what the idea was all along but everyone is whining about not having all the answers now or the loot they want now. Haha. You know. Everybody gets a trophy.....



    マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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