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Pain Time Glory

「we ride together...we die together New World Gamer」

  • グループ情報

    Where do I begin? My team been around for many mainly started on Halo Reach and then it took off to other games for example (L4D)(COD)(OLDR) And more alike..but before I became a leader I once was a follower and as a former follower already expect what you want out of a clan leader... Once your in the team you become family not just another number..don't worry if you suck at the game we will help you step by step to get better.. Pain Time Glory Gaming Group Is fun and serious at the same time. And think about what's Pain Time Glory stand for you. It takes a wiseman to lead and it takes a strong man to follow.

  • メンバーシップ

    2 メンバー
    9 年(グループ設立から)
  • 管理者

  • タグ済み




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