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A True Shepherd of Fire

「I am the Strong, aiding the Weak.. Know me by name, Shepherd of Fire...」

  • グループ情報

    This Xbox One clan is meant to introduce low-level raiders age sixteen or older to the raid and instruct them on how to properly manage a raid. It is also our goal to assist lower levels through the Nightfalls and Heroic Weekly Strikes. If we train you up from Noob to Master, we expect you to apprentice other newbies and instruct them in the arts of the raid. So essentially, we're all about helping newbies, and if you don't have the patience to play the shepherd of fire, then this isn't the clan for you. However, if building up a force to behold from the scraps of inexperience is your thing, we will be happy to have you! You will need to acquire a functioning mic (not your kinect, please because no one wants to hear your TV) to adequately learn the raids because communication is key.

  • メンバーシップ

    50 メンバー
    9 年(グループ設立から)
  • 管理者

  • タグ済み




マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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