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Destiny 2

Discussioni su Destiny 2.
1/18/2025 4:50:22 PM

Bungie, if you can retroactively make older weapons "enhancable," please make Duality, Spire, and Warlords weapons enhancable.

Bungie recently made some post on social media, talking about the upcoming bento box quest. In it, they mentioned that they will be retroactively making the featured weapons enhancable. Including versions that you've kept from past seasons. They also mentioned that they can enhance weapons as far back as season of the haunted. This being said, I feel that many of the more recent dungeons deserve to have their weapons retroactively made enhancable.



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  • [quote]Bungie recently made some post on social media, talking about the upcoming bento box quest. In it, they mentioned that they will be retroactively making the featured weapons enhancable. Including versions that you've kept from past seasons. They also mentioned that they can enhance weapons as far back as season of the haunted. This being said, I feel that many of the more recent dungeons deserve to have their weapons retroactively made enhancable.[/quote] I’d rather they go back and update old dungeon guns to be craftable like they did for raids.



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