saladin is selling my perfect roll of tinasha's mastery but i cannot get it because i wanted to gild my iron lord seal first week. big mistake. im never doing that again. i feel punished for playing yet again. i really wish bungie would address this because i really feel sad about all the time i spent in ib farming for the sidearm, only to not get the roll i wanted. and now i cant even buy the roll to ease my pain. this just sucks ...
Modificato da ShaunRiptown: 1/21/2025 7:57:52 PMGuilds are trash anyways…. -blam!- wants to re-achieve that every 30 days?
guess I missed the boat too, though unsure what roll everyone's referring too since I gilded my title in the first IB this season. I rolled quite a few and settled on reverberation/ chill clip didn't get one with armor piercing but the ones I have work well enough. I've always learned that when a new weapon comes out to farm it heavily that first week for in future weeks other new weapons come up and so the grind is the grind. I've never got -blam!- god roll on anything usually it's a 3/5. so my pattern will not change when Bungie offers the good one. Hell even when the Gunsmith offered those really good rolls, the ones I had were to me better than the one you could get.
It’s a good roll but not perfect. It’s a 3/5 but that’s pretty darn good seeing the weapon is excellent.
what urge to grind?
I feel your pain. Two of my friends were able to purchase that roll last night. I was unable to do so because of gilding as well. I finally got one of the godroll's last night. It isn't the perfect role I wanted. In total, I spent 14 hours in Iron Banner, between this week, and the prior one. 😫 Normally, I don't mind grinding for triumphs, seals, seasonal challenges, etc. But when you're not rewarded for that time and energy, it's incredibly frustrating. It feels like a full-time job, and I already have one of those. While I don't expect the game to be easy, I do want to feel rewarded for my time as well. I personally had no idea that weapon roles could change with Saladin. 😬 Going forward, I'm at least armed with the knowledge that weapon roles can change.
Just heard about this and gotta say that’s a big lame. I’ve got a typical rng roll so it’ll do for now. I banner for the guild, new emblem and shader unfortunately. But just like with the act gating of the pass, lesson learned
Modificato da coda-jj: 1/18/2025 8:33:26 PMFinished stacking my 4-5th time stacking to 20 and 500000 glimmer to get a couple with chill clip with the same exact offhand, reverb and deconstruct rolls, I’ve gotten in my 5-6 resets I did manage to get loose change once and impulse twice Gave up because why even try. I’ve always said bungie throttles rng the more you play and use a certain loadout Kind of proves my point I logged off. I’ll give it a few days so I forget how pissed I am at my shitty rng for people who don’t play to just get it for free
Modificato da Jet Set Willy: 1/18/2025 4:33:04 PMI dunno why people are giving you 💩in some of the replies. It’s a legit complaint, you’re locked out of obtaining something that I can get solely because you played a lot of IB the previous week it was available. I can get it because I didn’t touch IB at all that week. While I’m sure there’s no malice in this, and it may well have been done to encourage more people to play IB this time around I can see why it does seem a bit punitive from your perspective.
I haven’t played for a bit and I came back to see a new exotic quest for a shotgun. I started playing the mission and thought I can’t be bothered doing this and switched it off.
When you grind you won’t get what you want. I was just playing and got the god roll on the new scout. Explosive and Rimeister with superfast reload and a 20 count mag. Same thing with side arm blew like 1.5 million glimmer and got nothing. On a loss. God roll dropped 2 days ago
And this just backs up the argument for having shaped weapons. If there's a God roll why have a y other roll available. If there are more than one good roll than why must it take up multiple slots? Play more get less play less lose out and vice versa.
Where’s this god roll at? All the rank rewards for me are just materials?
I'll be refunding everything from Witch Queen until now, before Frontiers is released. By the Australian Consumer Law Act 18, I have every right to do so, as the developers have failed to act, communicate, and fix multiple issues.
Just play another game and come back when next episode starts. I think most of us are doing that
I saw an article posted about this a couple days ago and I thought it was terrible. All the people who went in like they usually do to grind for something they really want, only to later be locked out of being able to grind for a desired roll. Bungie knows this is what the IB players do. If this was done deliberately (only saying cause that I am not sure on), then it is a REALLY sh*t move on Bungie's part and is, yet again, another thing added to the "Why people are leaving your game" category.
Modificato da xbroggiex: 1/18/2025 1:55:09 PMRank reward tracks should either have completely static rolls or just a randomised drop of the weapon. Rotating the rolls on the rank track makes actually playing less rewarding since you could end up in the situation you described, I logged on and played like 3-4 games of Iron Banner simply to get that one on his track and I will never touch IB anymore than I need to and if that roll never happened on rank 4 I was more than happy to not play IB and not get the sidearm.
One of the most consistent things in Destiny has been being rewarded for being late to the party. And the other way around
You made a choice; there's nothing to address.
Yet if they gave that roll in the first week, no one would be grinding for it. Expecting them to just hand out the god roll of the hottest new weapon on day one (or at least being mad that they didn't) is kinda ridiculous!
Luckily i got the air trigger/chill clip roll on my 4th engram last iron banner. I've not really used it much tbh. But yeah, it must be annoying for those wanting those perks
Well, you can play Helldivers, POE2, Warframe....etc. 😁 or you can keep playing this garbage
Should be available for those who gilded the seal first week