So, over the past month or so, has anyone noticed VERY little change to the weapons banshee is offering? Sure, you might see the ikalos smg every now and then, but it's mainly the same 5 weapons day after day with different rolls on repeat.
With as many weapons that this game has in the world loot pool, you would think there would be a bit more verity.
The database is stuffed full of other options, so please, Bungie, for the love of this game, look into mixing it up a bit more!
Remember when Banshee sold god roll perks on a variety of weapons? Pepperidge Farm remembers. Since the Xur update, his wares have been rather lacking...
So this is actually a thing. He has featured weapons each SEASON that rotate. . It just is what it is.
I check them daily despite rarely touching the game itself. There's probably less than 10 different weapons he can offer. The worst are heavies. Only grenade launchers. He used to be worth keeping up with. I don't know why I even bother anymore. Guess it's just a habit.
Bungie: What’s a Banshee?
Banshee should sell weapons with unique rolls you cant get in the wild.
I can't remember exactly, but him selling the same weapons does sound right.
there is a good and bad side to it: good > when you are chasing a particular roll or willing to test, like I am with Imperative (I do not have it crafted nor enough harmonizers), it lets you figure stuff out on the cheap. Imperative, I have found to be... a very fun PVP scout. Also, the Battle Scar and Enyo variants.. instead of the horrific RNG of the banshee engrams.. perhaps Banshee will pop up something useful. Back in the day (year or 2 ago) thats how I got my destab/envious harsh language. bad > when you have it crafted or not interested its just a non event.. and like you said it would be very interesting (although this is where XUR is supposed to deliver) can offer a WIDE ranging offering... but how much does it matter when many don't allow enhancing? If they also refreshed the perk pool for those foundry weapons and allowed enhanced (this goes for everything
Probably because they don't want us just logging in and buying good weapons. Want us to play activities to earn them. Gunsmith and Xur both don't really have anything worthwhile with their weapons. Just catchup mechanic for older crafting patterns. Occasionally there's a weapon which isn't featured often which is not a craftable, but usually the roll isn't worth considering. It's only useful for new lights who have very few weapons...