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Destiny 2

Discussioni su Destiny 2.
1/15/2025 6:55:51 PM

Bright engram repeats

Considering bright engrams are supposed to be unique cosmetic rewards can we stop getting the same ghost/sparrow/ship that we already have and just get a small portion of bright dust instead. It would be less frustrating that getting glimmer(while maxed) or enhancement cores which we get from dismantling everything else so aren’t even a little special. I grind a ton of bright dust because I know there are events and 6k armour sets that are going to be way above and beyond standard looking armour. Even ornaments is a super tiny drop rate from bright engrams. I get maybe one or two per episode. I get it the constant need to squeeze the player base for any bit of cosmetics so we can get buggier content than ever, thanks so much from the bottom of my sarcastic heart.



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  • I agree, I have been getting the same stuff over and over again. Once you get something it should not be repeated. I thought Bungie fixed this awhile back. Everything Eververse sells you should be able to get thru the engrams.



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